Z-Wave Query Stage
When the Z-Wave mesh is first started, the controller will go through all the following stages for every device on the mesh. This is a slow process, and to complete requires that the devices be awake. While devices that are mains or USB powered are always awake, battery-powered devices spend most of their time asleep. Because of this, you can expect that after startup your battery powered devices will spend time in Initializing (CacheLoad)
- how long depends on the device.
Your devices will still function normally while marked as Initializing
Stage | Description |
None | Query process hasn’t started for this node |
ProtocolInfo | Retrieve protocol information |
Probe | Ping device to see if alive |
WakeUp | Start wake up process if a sleeping node |
ManufacturerSpecific1 | Retrieve manufacturer name and product ids if ProtocolInfo lets us |
NodeInfo | Retrieve info about supported, controlled command classes |
NodePlusInfo | Retrieve Z-Wave+ info and update device classes |
SecurityReport | Retrieve a list of Command Classes that require Security |
ManufacturerSpecific2 | Retrieve manufacturer name and product ids |
Versions | Retrieve version information |
Instances | Retrieve information about multiple command class instances |
Static | Retrieve static information (doesn’t change) |
CacheLoad | Ping a device upon restarting with cached configuration for the device |
Associations | Retrieve information about associations |
Neighbors | Retrieve node neighbor list |
Session | Retrieve session information (changes infrequently) |
Dynamic | Retrieve dynamic information (changes frequently) |
Configuration | Retrieve configurable parameter information (only done on request) |
Complete | Query process is completed for this node |