Troubleshooting your configuration

It can happen that you run into trouble while configuring Open Peer Power. Perhaps an integration is not showing up or is acting strangely. This page will discuss a few of the most common problems.

Before we dive into common issues, make sure you know where your configuration directory is. Open Peer Power will print out the configuration directory it is using when starting up.

Whenever an integration or configuration option results in a warning, it will be stored in open-peer-power.log in the configuration directory. This file is reset on start of Open Peer Power.

My integration does not show up

When an integration does not show up, many different things can be the case. Before you try any of these steps, make sure to look at the open-peer-power.log file and see if there are any errors related to your integration you are trying to set up.

If you have incorrect entries in your configuration files you can use the check_config script to assist in identifying them: opp --script check_config. If you need to provide the path for your configuration you can do this using the -c argument like this: opp --script check_config -c /path/to/your/config/dir.

Problems with dependencies

Almost all integrations have external dependencies to communicate with your devices and services. Sometimes Open Peer Power is unable to install the necessary dependencies. If this is the case, it should show up in open-peer-power.log.

The first step is trying to restart Open Peer Power and see if the problem persists. If it does, look at the log to see what the error is. If you can’t figure it out, please report it so we can investigate what is going on.

Problems with integrations

It can happen that some integrations either do not work right away or stop working after Open Peer Power has been running for a while. If this happens to you, please report it so that we can have a look.

Multiple files

If you are using multiple files for your setup, make sure that the pointers are correct and the format of the files is valid.

light: !include devices/lights.yaml
sensor: !include devices/sensors.yaml

Contents of lights.yaml (notice it does not contain light:):

- platform: hyperion

Contents of sensors.yaml:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Room Humidity"
  state_topic: "room/humidity"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Door Motion"
  state_topic: "door/motion"
Whenever you report an issue, be aware that we are volunteers who do not have access to every single device in the world nor unlimited time to fix every problem out there.

Entity names

The only characters valid in entity names are:

  • Lowercase letters
  • Numbers
  • Underscores

If you create an entity with other characters then Open Peer Power may not generate an error for that entity. However you will find that attempts to use that entity will generate errors (or possibly fail silently).